Ndung’u Kinani

Ndung’u’s works attracted me at first sight because of their singular beauty, particularly their chromatic richness spreading in darkness in a way so different from anything I’d seen before. That made me want to find out more about the artist.

My 40-minute video encounter with Ndung’u was rich in discoveries. He’s a trained artist who doesn’t like to limit himself. As such, he dabbles in several types of visual art, including painting, photography, sculpture, and interior design. He’s what I like to call an “artpreneur” because he’s well aware that practicing art professionally can involve a lot of expense, which requires ingenuity and business acumen.

For example, Ndungu’ told me of times when frustrated at not being able to afford canvases or paint, he would use recycled materials to create works of art. Art remains his passion, but he develops and manages other businesses (including a farm) to feed it long-term.

Ndung’u also gave me an overview of the Kenyan art market, which, in his opinion, is teeming with talent hand-picked by a small number of galleries. To change the narrative, he’s working with a partner on setting up a gallery, which I think is a wonderful idea.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors, Ndung’u so that you can make a full living from your art and continue to offer the world splendid works of art.

You can follow and contact him here: https://www.instagram.com/ndungukinani_art/

You can also send him an email at: ndungukinani@gmail.com

Location: Kilimambogo (Kenya)