Idara Tom

I find Idara’s work simply magnificent. For me, this artist has created a world of her own, and my mind immerses itself in it every time I set eyes on her paintings.

So when I first met Idara on a video call, I could hardly contain myself from complimenting her on her work, which she accepted with humility.

Talking to Idara was an enjoyable experience, and I literally felt a wave of positivity when she appeared smiling on my screen. Maybe this is due to the fact that her name (Idara) means Joy in the Efik language (the ethnic group she hails from and which located primarily in southern Nigeria).

Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in 2019, Idara has been encouraged by her parents and teachers to develop her artistic talent from an early age. And she’s happy to note that this trend is growing in today’s Nigerian society, where a few generations ago, the artist’s vocation was taken less seriously.

Idara draws her inspiration from her life experiences, Nigerian culture (which she is very proud of), and music, but not just any music… Indeed, the music that accompanies her throughout her creative process and gives birth to such beautiful works is often sad.

I was surprised to hear this, given the cheerful person I was talking to. But hey… To each their creative process. Idara’s work fills me with joy (pun not intended) and expands my imagination.

Idara is not yet a full-time artist. She works as a cultural officer to secure her financial future, so that she can make a living from her art in the long term. Her transition to the art profession is being made carefully and surely, so as not to depend too much on the cycles of the art market.

I’m convinced she’s building a solid artistic career, and it’s with great pleasure that I give her a helping hand through this site.

Idara, please continue to excel in your art to bring us even more joy, (pun intended, lame but very true).

You can acquire one or more of her vivid and inspiring pieces here:

To know more about Idara, check out this comprehensive interview about her:

Location: Abuja (Nigeria)